Red Cross: From bad to worse

Red Cross har published a report, where they establish that poverty and social exclusion in Europe has only gotten worse. The gap between rich and poor is increasing.

The countries worst off are Bulgaria, Latvia, Romania, Lithuania and Croatia. And children are off course at worst risk, since they experience great risks of different trauma growing up in poverty.

People living below the national poverty line defined as a percentage on the country's total population are (with full statistic in the report):

Austria 5.2
Belgium 15.3
Bulgaria 22.3
Denmark 13.0
Finland 13.7
France 14.0
Germany 15.8
Greece 21.4
Iceland 9.2
Netherlands 8.7
Norway 10.5
Spain 21.8
Sweden 14.0

The Red Cross recommend:
- Guaranteed Social Safety Nets
- No indiscriminate cuts on healthcare
- Ensured rights of migrants
- Expanded active labour market
- Cooperation private and civil society sector social work

Swedish text here.

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