Vad ångrar vi när vi ligger för döden?

Enligt denna hemsida är det:

Researchers who have studied and interviewed people at the end of their life report nine common regrets:

1. Did not take a leap of faith.

When you get the opportunity ensure that you DO take a leap of faith.

2. Did not have the courage to live a life true to myself.

Do NOT live someone else’s dream. Live true to your dreams.

3. Worked too hard.

Don’t fall into this all too common trap – life is for living!

4. Did not have the courage to express how I really felt.

Take a deep breath and tell those closest to you how you really feel.

5. Did not say what I needed to say.

Take another deep breath and tell those closest to you what you really need to say.

6. Did not forgive.

Forgive those who have wronged you. This does not mean that what they did was okay, it just means you let your anger go.

7. Did not stay in touch with friends.

Keep in touch and keep in contact. Send an email or a card. Good friends are a rare commodity.

8. Did not let myself be happier.

Happiness is a choice! Wake up every morning and decide to be happy and joyful!

9. Did not live a life of Faith.

Connection with God is a key part of a full life. Do not neglect your spiritual life.

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