EAPN: stop attack on social protection

EAPN urges EU leaders to stop their attack on Social Protection Systems

Brussels, 19 June 2012 – In advance of the Employment and Social Affairs Council (21-22 June), EAPN has written to Ministers of Social Affairs urging them to defend Social Protection and Social Welfare systems, which the austerity measures continue to undermine. Unless a new approach is found, the social, economic and health costs will be enormous and difficult to reverse.

“Cooperation to protect our welfare States should be a key priority for EU leaders if we are to avoid a complete disintegration of social cohesion” said Sergio Aires, President of EAPN. “It is time for Ministers to show commitment to the welfare State by agreeing a target to defend adequate spending levels on social protection systems and to pursue fairer tax systems to ensure the funding is available to reach the target”, he added.
“The austerity approach is clearly not working and far from making progress on the target to reduce poverty. Poverty is increasing. It is time to ensure a clear and distinct social process to underpin and implement the social inclusion commitments in the Europe 2020 Strategy and its Flagship Platform against Poverty”, said Fintan Farrell, Director of EAPN.  “In addition it is no longer clear what overall integrated strategy the EU has to fight poverty and exclusion. We call for a high-level task force to act with urgency in cooperation with all relevant actors, including people experiencing poverty, to develop such a high-profile integrated strategy”, concluded Mr. Farrell.

Read here EAPN’s full letter sent to Ministers of Social Affairs. http://www.eapn.eu/images/stories/docs/letters/2012-EAPN-letter-EPSCO-18-06-12.pdf

For further information, contact Fintan Farrell (Director) fintan.farrell@eapn.eu">fintan.farrell@eapn.eu or Sian Jones (Policy Coordinator), sian.jones@eapn.eu">sian.jones@eapn.eu (+32 (0)2 226 58 50).

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