Brussels, 05 December 2011 - In advance of the EU Council meeting on 8 and 9 December, EAPN has sent a letter to EU Prime Ministers outlining their proposals for a way out of the crisis which prioritises solidarity and an inclusive Europe 2020 Strategy. “It is unacceptable as a social solution to the crisis that the Europe 2020 strategy, inclusive growth and the EU poverty reduction target are increasingly subordinate to the dominant policy driver of stabilizing the Euro by driving down deficits and debt, primarily through socially-harmful fiscal consolidation which is visibly generating more poverty, exclusion and inequality” , said Ludo Horemans, President of EAPN. EAPN highlighted in its letter the result of the recent Eurobarometer Survey (28 November) which gives a damning picture of what EU citizens think about EU actions including the substantial fall in the number of people who think the EU has a positive impact (78-62% in 2009, now 67-48%). While EAPN recognise...