EU in jeopardy: Prioritise Solidarity and an Inclusive Europe 2020
Brussels, 05 December 2011 - In advance of the
EU Council meeting on 8 and 9 December, EAPN has sent a letter to EU Prime
Ministers outlining their proposals for a way out of the crisis which
prioritises solidarity and an inclusive Europe 2020 Strategy.
“It is unacceptable as a social solution
to the crisis that the Europe 2020 strategy, inclusive growth and the EU
poverty reduction target are increasingly subordinate to the dominant policy
driver of stabilizing the Euro by driving down deficits and debt, primarily
through socially-harmful fiscal consolidation which is visibly generating more
poverty, exclusion and inequality”, said Ludo Horemans, President of EAPN.
EAPN highlighted in its letter the result of the
recent Eurobarometer Survey (28 November) which gives a damning picture of what
EU citizens think about EU actions including the substantial fall in the number
of people who think the EU has a positive impact (78-62% in 2009, now 67-48%).
While EAPN recognises the vital importance of
accessible and quality public services, Fintan Farrell Director of EAPN, said “Access
to public services must go hand in hand with investing in social protection
systems and raising minimum income levels as key stimulus measures, defending
social rights and positively impacting on growth, employment and inclusion”.
The letter from EAPN outlines Key Messages and
actions under the following 4 headings
- Solidarity first and one-speed Social Europe
- Urgently defend a social and democratic EU
- Make Europe 2020 the overarching strategy
- Tackle the social impact of the crisis and increasing levels of poverty, inequality and social exclusion with concrete actions: integrated active inclusion, social investment and a New Deal promoting multidimensional solutions for all groups