About me

Hi and welcome!

I am at the moment living in Stockholm. I am blessed with two children. My professional pride is my Ph D in Sociology. 

The thesis is a corrent analysis of Swedish housing policy, with theoretical tools of discourse, governmentality and empowerment. 

At the moment I work in a fantastic NGO; Hyresgästföreningen Aros-Gävle, dedicated to activities in local communities, focusing on strengthening participants sense of safety and self empowerment.

Besides this full-time and wonderful job I also have my own company; Visionary Life. My company offers courses, trips and adventures for personal development and mutual joy, in order to create a more sustainable life and world.

I am passionate engaged in different questions concerning human rights. I believe in dialogue between people. We need to focus on solidarity and welfare for all people, instead of putting effort in our own well-being, but also see to other people. I am a Board Member in several NGO:s and networks.

Company Web Page: http://www.visionarylife.se/
Personal Webpage: http://sophialovgren.com/
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sophialovgren
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sophialovgren

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