Maktkamp Europa

Mats Engström wrote 5-6 years ago a book about EU, NGOs and media (Maktkamp Europa: Folkrörelser, kapital och mediemoguler i EU). It is well written, and focuses how multiinterntional companies has succeeded well when it comes to european network and lobbyism. This is not the same for NGOs, which has had the effect that NGOs simply don't have the same possibility to influence. With companies worldwide influence (and power) comes a sort of shallowness for media, where there are a few large owners (with their own agenda), which has had the result that democratic processes and time for reflexion has been replaced by acting on stage and focus on individuals and their conflicts. Therefor NGOs has a very special role, as defenders of democracy and supporters of the individual citizen's political engagement. But NGOs has not at all adjusted themselves to current political reality. And those NGOs that are more successful in this (for instance Amnesty) has a risk of becoming more of a campaign organization and less of a platform for internal democracy and critical reflection. I would really like to hear Mats' own reflections over the last 2-3 years, which has so clearly been even more of a change when it comes to NGOs and social media.

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