EAPN: Poverty Reduction Target needs to be backed by EU funds
Reduction Target needs to be backed by EU Funds
NGOs urge Member States to respect
their commitments

In October 2011,
the European Commission proposed the draft regulation for the next Round of
Cohesion Policy. In its proposal, a minimum share of 25% of the Cohesion policy
budget is devoted to the European Social Fund (ESF) and at least 20% of the ESF
is earmarked for social inclusion and fighting poverty. This was widely
welcomed by Social NGOs as a concrete proposal to give credence to the poverty
reduction target agreed by EU leaders as an integral part of the Europe 2020
Strategy. Incredibly, 26 out of 27 Member States seem ready to reject this
The Campaign EU
Money for Poverty Reduction NOW! launched by the Social NGOs seeks to
- The
allocation of at least 25% of the Cohesion Policy budget to the European
Social Fund (ESF);
- The
earmarking of at least 20% of the ESF to social inclusion and poverty
initiatives at EU and national levels carried out by the NGOs involved, this
campaign aims at gathering as much support as possible through the petition:
This campaign is
coordinated by the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) together with its
members FEANTSA, Caritas Europa, ENAR, Eurochild, Eurodiaconia, AGE Platform,
as well as the Social Platform, SOLIDAR, the European Women’s Lobby, the
European Disability Forum, EASPD, ICSW Europe, Workability Europe and
ISFW Europe.
Quotes from NGOs
involved in the campaign:
Fintan Farrell,
Director of EAPN: “It is incredible that Member States seem set to
block a proposal that would show that the EU is there to support people who
experience poverty and social exclusion. ‘Social investment’ and ‘poverty
reduction targets’ must transform from being nice ideas into concrete actions
such as a stronger European Social Fund clearly committed to fighting poverty and
social exclusion.”
Heather Roy,
Vice-President of Social Platform: “If Member States want to keep to their
word and lift 20 million people out of poverty by 2020, we need the allocation
of 20% of the ESF budget to social inclusion and combating poverty as one of
the tools to effectively deliver on this target. We therefore strongly oppose
any reduction of this percentage.”
Jorge Nuño Mayer,
Secretary General of Caritas Europa: “The economic crisis hits particularly
the most vulnerable. Social cohesion and fighting poverty cannot be efficient
without the participation of the social NGOs and without adequate financial
means. We need the decisive contribution of the structural funds and the
ESF particularly!”
Dr. Chibo Onyeji,
ENAR Chair: "Ethnic minorities and migrants are disproportionately
affected by poverty due to the additional barrier of discrimination. EU Member
States can show their commitment to reducing poverty in Europe by 2020 by
making sure the European Social Fund allocates sufficient resources to social
inclusion measures - in particular for vulnerable groups."
Jana Hainsworth,
Eurochild Secretary General: “Children cannot wait until economic recovery
for investment. Family support and quality children services are needed now to
ensure all children grow up happy, healthy and confident - otherwise our future
looks very bleak.”
Conny Reuter,
SOLIDAR Secretary General: “Combating poverty is not a cost, but an
Luk Zelderloo,
Secretary General of EASPD: “The structural funds are crucial instruments to
promote more inclusive communities and a more cohesive society in Europe. The
European Commission, European Parliament and Member States should adopt a clear
and strong legal framework facilitating this key role of the structural funds.
Poverty and exclusion should be tackled.”
Anke Seidler,
Director Workability Europe: "In the current funding period, people
with disabilities benefitted from the ESF through projects where they were able
to improve their skills and employability. This is clearly the best way to
enhance their inclusion in the main stream labour market and thus protect them
against social exclusion and poverty."
More information
on the campaign and background information can be found on EAPN’s website:
Contact: Vincent Caron, EAPN Policy Officer vincent.caron@eapn.eu; Fintan Farrell,
Director of EAPN fintan.farrell@eapn.eu.
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