Governments ignore poverty reduction targets

26 Governments seem set to ignore EU Poverty Reduction Target

Brussels, 19 April 2012 – In advance of the General Affairs Council on the 24th of April, the European
Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) has written to Prime Ministers insisting that the decisions they make
in relation to the next round of Structural Funds is consistent with the agreed EU poverty reduction

The Commission’s proposal that at least 25% of the Cohesion Policy budget be allocated to the
European Social Fund (ESF) should be seen as a major step forward and a pre-requisite to make sure
that the ESF will play an important role in delivering, in all EU regions, on the social targets of the
Europe 2020 Strategy (poverty reduction, employment, education). 26 Member States seem ready to
reject this proposal, which raises severe questions about their commitment to the almost 22% of the
EU population in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion.

“In this time of ‘austerity measures’, the proposal to strengthen the European Social Fund is one of the
few signals that could show that European leaders were serious when they agreed an EU poverty
reduction target” said Ludo Horemans, President of EAPN. “If Member States weaken the proposal
from the Commission, as 26 of them seem set to do, the message to people in or at risk, of poverty and
social exclusion, in fact almost 22% of the EU population, will be all too clear” added Mr Horemans.
“The Commission’s proposal that 20% of ESF Funds be ring-fenced for social inclusion and the fight
against poverty (which some Member States also seem to be willing to reject), will loose any real
meaning unless an adequate budget is dedicated to the ESF”, said Fintan Farrell, Director of EAPN.
“Words become cheap when they have no consequences, it is now time for the Member States to
demonstrate that their words regarding the poverty reduction target have value”, concluded Mr

EAPN will launch its campaign to defend the 20% allocation in the European Social Fund early May.
Organisations and individuals will be encouraged to sign a letter to Prime Ministers that will be sent
by EAPN in advance of the June Council where key decisions will be taken on the future Cohesion

The Campaign will be visible on EAPN website’s homepage
The key messages in the EAPN letter to Prime Ministers are:
1) Support an increased and secured budget for the European Social Fund (ESF)
2) Back the 20% allocation ring-fenced for social inclusion and the fight against poverty in the ESF
3) Ensure the continuation of the Food Aid Programme after 2013, outside the 20% ring-fenced
for social inclusion
4) Maintain the binding gender mainstreaming and the horizontal anti-discrimination clauses.

EAPN full letter sent to Prime Ministers:

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