
Visar inlägg från juli, 2014

Male value based cities

This post was originally posted in LinkedIn, here . A recent research publication from Sweden has stated that cities are rules by "male values". (see bottom for link in Swedish) Male norm decides how our cities are developed, which for instance can be seen in our public communication. Men use the car more often, even for quite short distances, which has been given priority. Women usually work in jobs where they work also evening, nights and weekends, and don't have a car, but usually also has great problems getting home with a bus (which quite often also can be a dangerous situation, concerning harassments and violence). The researcher, Christian Dymés, says it is not a question of changing, from a focus on men to a focus on women, but instead being aware of what kind of rules and norms that are in focus. He prefers that we also talk about male and female energies or values. To be concerned about environmental issues and to focus on dialogue is seen as typical di...

75 years until equal pay

This is originally a post from LinkedIn, you will find it here . Louise Gauffin and Helen Szoke, from NGO Oxfam, published today an article in Swedish, that points out that it will take 75 years until there is equal pay (in the G20 countries). Oxfam means that the current politic of today is gender blind, with mostly men that takes little notice of women as a group. The article can be read in Swedish  here , and if anoyone wants to try a Google Translate in English, it can be found  here . As the authors comment, there is a necessity to conduct a politic that focus on elimination the pay gap, and decrease the segregation between genders. In Sweden we have a possibility to share the parental leave between men and women. Sometimes there are also comments about our equal labor market. Sadly enough there is neither equal parental leave, nor equal labor market. ("Not even in Sweden".) To really create equal conditions, we need - first of all to decrease all obstacle...

Sverige toppar i EU-rapport om mäns våld mot kvinnor

42,000 kvinnor i 28 europeiska länder har intervjuats och 33 % av dem har upplevt fysiskt och/eller sexuellt våld efter 15 års ålder. Sverige har den högsta siffran (81% av alla intervjuade har upplevt sexuella trakasserier),  vilket självfallet troligtvis beror på att svenska kvinnor kan vara mer orädda inför att anmäla. En lösning skulle vara att Istanbul-konventionen (mot våld mot kvinnor) ratificeras av medlemsländerna. Det kräver att tio medlemsländer har skrivit under den. Nu har nio länder gjort det och Sverige är inte en av dem. ***************** 42,000 Women in 28 European countries has been interviewed and 33% of these reports of physical and/or sexual violence (after 15 years of age). Sweden has the highest number (81% of all women has experienced sexual harassment), which of course is due to the fact that Swedish women probably are less afraid of reporting to the police. One solution is the Istanbul Convention.

På tal om kvinnor och män

SCBs lathund fyller 30 år.  Fortfarande lever vi inte i ett jämställt samhälle. Mäns obetalda arbete har sedan 1990-talet ökat med 8 minuter. Män tar i genomsnitt ut en fjärdedel av föräldrapenningdagarna. Kvinnor har idag 86 procent av männens lön (en minskning med 3 procentenheter sedan 1990-talet). Förra året arbetade 30 procent av alla kvinnor deltid. 1987 arbetade nästan hälften av alla kvinnor deltid. Lathunden finns att ladda ner här:

Women in leadership = best for the planet!

(Want to empower more women in leadership positions? ) As part of UN Women’s Beijing+20 campaign, this month the focus is on Women in Power and Decision-making, one of the 12 critical areas of concern of the Beijing Platform for Action. UN Women spotlight women leaders and decision-makers who are ushering change for their societies. Women are often dynamic leaders of change, galvanizing women and men to get involved, claim their rights, strengthen their communities and protect their planet. Their participation is fundamental to democratic governance. Yet women still have far to go towards equal representation in positions of power and leadership, whether in corporate boardrooms or presidential cabinets. Discriminatory laws and practices hold women back, as do limits on education, income and time away from caregiving. Just over 21 per cent of parliamentarians are women, up from around 11 per cent when the Beijing Fourth World Conference on Women took place in...