Male value based cities

This post was originally posted in LinkedIn, here.

A recent research publication from Sweden has stated that cities are rules by "male values". (see bottom for link in Swedish)
Male norm decides how our cities are developed, which for instance can be seen in our public communication. Men use the car more often, even for quite short distances, which has been given priority. Women usually work in jobs where they work also evening, nights and weekends, and don't have a car, but usually also has great problems getting home with a bus (which quite often also can be a dangerous situation, concerning harassments and violence).
The researcher, Christian Dymés, says it is not a question of changing, from a focus on men to a focus on women, but instead being aware of what kind of rules and norms that are in focus. He prefers that we also talk about male and female energies or values.
To be concerned about environmental issues and to focus on dialogue is seen as typical directed by female values, and would be a first step in order to broaden the perspective that effects our cities.
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