
Visar inlägg från augusti, 2017

Medicinsk cannabis

Medicinsk cannabis blir alltmer legaliserat. Nu snart kommer det troligtvis godkännas helt i Kalifornien. Cannabis har två effekter: THC skapar euforin CBD är smärtstillande Som all form av medicin finns det biverkningar och som med allt ska det aldrig överdrivas i intag. Men forskning pekar tydligt på den naturliga växtens effekter mot många olika sjukdomar.

To be BIG is to be SAFE

I listened a couple of days ago to John Assaraf about weight loss. It was blow minding! To gain weight can be in order to feel protected. Usually we don't mess with BIG animals... But most of us don't want to be heavily overweight! So how do we loose it? Well, First by thanking this extra weight, cause once upon a time it filled a purpose. And Second, working both with our conscious and our subconscious mind. Cause our brain doesn't really want change. Which is one reason why a lot of people gain back the weight they have lost. So consciously, with what we eat and how we live. And subconsciously with our self-image.  For inspiration, see for instance